Moolah Play Product Overview


We Make Issuing Markers Simple & Easy


Patrons can apply for a casino marker through our mobile app or are instantly approved through the Marker Trax® verification process.


When patrons desire to draw on their line, they simply insert their player’s club card into a gaming device and access through an on-screen menu.


Once a Marker Trax® session begins, players use the downloaded funds from their Marker Trax® line to play on their gaming device as usual.


Patrons “cashout” at the end of a session where the funds are uploaded and applied towards any outstanding markers. Patrons receive any extra funds.
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Easy for Players to Use

1. Apply

Casino staff log into the Operator Dashboard to access their Moolah Play program enrollment, payments and transaction data for any period of time.

2. Download

View information related to a player’s account at your fingertips! Track transactions, make cage payments, review account information and more with realtime updates.

3. Play

Regulatory compliant reports can be accessed and exported to allow the casino operator to manage their Moolah Play program efficiently and effectively.

4. Upload

Roles and responsibilities for access and use of the Operator Dashboard are controlled and customized by the casino operator.

5. Repeat

Roles and responsibilities for access and use of the Operator Dashboard are controlled and customized by the casino operator.

App Features

  • Instant verification process through iOS or Android
  • Established marker line for future use
  • Eliminates back office tracking for markers at the cage
  • Easy payment solution
  • Access to pre-approved credit lines while on the go

Benefits to Operators

Moolah Play is a regulatory compliant advanced marker system. Our technology and processes help casino operators reduce cash management while improving a player’s overall gaming experience.  

The mobile app allows patrons to validate an advance digitally in minutes while also enabling them to get funds issued quickly.
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Overview of the operator dashboard


Casino staff log into the Operator Dashboard to access their Moolah Play program enrollment, payments and transaction data for any period of time.

Player Insights

View information related to a player’s account at your fingertips! Track transactions, make cage payments, review account information and more with realtime updates.


Regulatory compliant reports can be accessed and exported to allow the casino operator to manage their Moolah Play program efficiently and effectively.


Roles and responsibilities for access and use of the Operator Dashboard are controlled and customized by the casino operator.


- Simplified integrated account to cover all wagering
- Significantly increases volume of play
- Smooth and frictionless way of accessing markers.
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